S.U.M. II vAll D952906J - SaberLAN 2 v License: AEL-03-0001-100 SN: AEL122998.100 - Sailing Master v1.1 00920ASIP - SAM v4.5 SMMS4504X330490417IN - Sans-Faute/Grammaire v2.5.4 F81DCB5DA11DR97016434 - Santorini Server Manager v4.0 3456-7890-1234-1801-3607 2345-6789-0123-1920-2526 v3.2 7610-4947-8854-0626 - Satellite 3D v1.5 420491 - SatTrak v1.0.2 Name: MoonDark/nop Serial Number: A37916z - ScanPrep Pro v3.5.2 SPM-YD2X-NKA2-THH3 v3.5 SPM-DD2P-567E-ZPU2 v3.41 1234567D9123B56489 v3.4J MIN-O7ZE-O851-98FW v2.0.2 IXP-61082016-BK4 v? 614231653750 - ScanTastic v4.0 STPS4-1435174855 STPS4-625243912 - Scantastic for Epson v4.3.6 Installation Password e5e623fe&4663abee Registration stps4-1572081656 - ScatterBrains v3.2 6725 - Sci WorkPlace v2.5 serial - Scitex Maskcutter v2.1 MC:E-1234-16193-0986-8023 - ScrapDiary v1.0 [MacAddict] First Name: MacAddict Last Name: Hacker Code: FTFR-FBHN-F9LQ-NNPU - ScrapIt Pro v5.3 Name: HackUser Copies: 100 Code: 6100-800-0790 v5.2.3 11476512 v5.0.x Name: 'Anonymous' Copies: 10 Code: 0610-090-0969 v4.2 Name: 'Anonymous' Copies: 1 Code: 61-9-969 Name: 'Anonymous' Copies: 50 Code: 3050-450-969 - Screen Catcher v1.0.x name: HackUser code: 19296 - Screen To Screen v1.0 S1234567890182762085 S2345678901277867083 S3456789012362796553 S4567890123410779440 S5678901234504751241 S6789012345659329271 - ScreenGear v2.0 Name: PPC Organization: BUG SN#: 7349296 v1.1.2 Name: PPC Organization: BUG SN#: 7349296 - ScreenScapes v 10SSM005528A - ScreenShot v2.5.5 000041&124-103947 v2.5 2025123456775 2025234567874 2025345678958 2025456789061 2025567890114 2025678901201 2025789012368 2025890123441 v2.0.1 2020000000078 - Screentime for Flash v• name: anyname code: 123456789 - Scripter v2.0 313376455 169690505 187100187 106900250 333333290 v1.0.1 20000000 - Scrollability v1.0.2 †Hold down Ctrl+shift+alt+command and click the register button. - ScrollMagick v1.0.1 †Registration Hold down option-command-shift-control when clicking on the Register Online button, and it will thank you for supporting shareware. - SCSI Director v4.0.5 504589 v4.0.4 123456 v4.0.1b3 CM-600931 - Sculpt 3D v 101164 - Seize The Day v ID# 9312M00014 UNLOCK KEY - Q1B9J - Seldon v1.0 01-875-3945 - Select (PS Plugin) v3.0 RMC510700011 v2.0J 701835 - Semware Editor v1.0 Pre-release SN:3001005027 - Sensible Grammar v2 103855 119303 - SerialSpeed 230 v1.7 1063481 v1.6 "-12335766" v1.5 "-12335766" "-23411613" 14889 4294982185 8589949481 v1.4 80424 145963 211498 14889 4294982185 8589949481 v1.3 "-12335766" - Server Sentry v2.0 A399092584 - Server Tracker v1.0 1234-5678-9012-6487 - ServerManager v4.0 1234-5678-9012-7598-1495 2345-6789-0123-1920-2526 3456-7890-1234-1801-3607 - Sesame v2.2J Name: Sesame Code: Se-95344248-2033 v2.2 Name: MoonDark Code: Se-28208-2060 v 2.x.x Name: Buck Rogers Code: Se-20154-2096 v2.1.1 Name: Akuma Code: Se-17270-2017 - SFX machine 7082200145 - Shade III v1.3J 02370453420517815477 v1.0 0429785090 v1.x J light 0537863169 - ShadePersonal vR2 03497596350420210399 - Shader Detective v1.3 188877 - ShadowCaster v2.0 SHDW200-1710-0685-0890-90AM-1 v1.0.2 SHDW102-2140-0576-0810-30AG-4 - ShadowLAN v 'Paris' allows 5 users to connect. - ShadowWraith v1.0 6704SWM107602-R1 3055SWM100686-R1 6551SWM104898-R1 - Shareway IP v1.1.2 pro 22110000110000 22110000120001 22110001120000 22110000150002 22110002150000 22110000200003 22110003200000 22110000270004 22110004270000 22110000360005 22110005360000 22110000470006 22110006470000 22110000700007 22110007700000 22115678219876 v1.1.2 21118528258116 21115843584278 21115528735221 21118268891022 v1.1.1 21118988191765 21115948311932 21111364016905 v1.x 21117247251027 - Shomi v1.0 Code: DPAA5678T6BESRV7 Email Address: moondark@nop.com - Short Circuit v1.2.3 Name: MoonDark Registration code: RECB - Showplace v 1950469700 344539530 - Shutdown Controller v1.0 name: MoonDark code: 50505050 - Signpost v1.2 FAT 284396555EUGG 276867PWIV076 vBenelux 1OWEQ34395137 vEurope Map 2349ETDC92898 vEurope 2BCPT01385474 vGermany 134RDLH251012 vItaly 201356294NPQU vUSA Map 1.2 USA-251CFUD686155 - Silverfast vGer.Version 001AE700377E133DA575 vPS Plug 7602A7015A4EAC29727D HDR 3.2.7 Demo Crack †On the demo copy there is always a "Silverfast" or "Lasersoft" print in the final scan. Here is the crack how to get rid of it: Open the DF (DataFork) of the plug-in with Resourcerer or any text editor like BBedit and simply replace the two words "Silverfast" and "Lasersoft.test" with spaces, thats all! No more demo letterings appear. - Silverlining v5.6.3 please (use on 2nd attempt) - Sim-Cinema Deluxe vAll 334259217 - Simple Projector Interface Builder v1.0.x Name: SN: 158454V6-565454 - SingerSongWriter v3.0J 301652 - SitComm v SCxxxxx SRxxxxx - Site Cam v2.0 Name: Akuma SN#: SC3411949730 v1.1 SC3456589011 - Skat v1.1.x 32C3B0C332C3B0C3 - Sketch v2.0 SMZMP22W2CD6CER SMDFQHB3THRH4LJ SMFRZ9CQG7ZWQ86 - Sketcher v1.0 0400102LUA - Sky Designer v1.0 SD123454392 - Sleeper v3.02 code: 21794 name: Registered User v3.0.x code: 21870 name: HackUser v2.1.1 code: 21870 name: HackUser code: 20630 name: Book Robber v2.1 code: 6551 name: Registered code: 4997 name: You code: 5887 name: Everyone code: 6215 name: LeetCheeZ code: 4961 name: SPC code: 6161 name: Informant code: 5727 name: HHWCTSV - Slithereens v1.0 Name: Akuma Copies: 1 Code: KJJINGFA - sLog v2.x name: Server Surfer code: IOGLEJLL or name: Server Surfer code: PFAIMNGG v2.0b1 Name: MoonDark Code: FBFICHCJ - Sloop v1.0 Meridae (1st letter must be capitalized) - Smaller Installer v2.x Name: Ambrosia Software, Inc. Copies: unlim. Serial: 06312-27611-0000 Name: Developers Copies: 0 (= unlimited) Serial: 45710-47003-0000 v2.0 Name HackUser Copies 999 SN# 51735-76315-0999 Name Buck Rogers Copies 1000 SN# 07552-00660-0010 v1.1.x 5147600600 'Anonymous' - Smart Dubbing Pro v1.2v1 Name: Registered Key: 774307840 - Smart Scroll v3.x name: user code: EDBY v Name: HackUser Code:CAAS v2.0.3 Name:Buck Rogers Code:KCMG v2.0.2 User: SPC Pass: BPCN v3.x Name: KK# Code: SPCB - SmartGIF v1.0.1 5877870664629861333848 2774051850501666474766 6643228870942766270777 - SmartKeys 3 v3.3.1 †Just use the CONTROL+SHIFT keys when you click on the bottom part of the main window where it says "After registering, personalize SmartKeys to remove the registration reminder." - SmartSketch 600741 - SmartSound v1.6 Name: MoonDark Code: 110452784 - Smoothie v1.1.2 SPC-428 v1.1.x Sxxxxxx (x any number) - SmoothType v2.0 †option-click on the large SMOOTHTYPE logo on the control panel. - SMS v 1.x.x Name: Buck Rogers Phone Number : 0070-00700 Registration : 2C015816 v1.4.3 Name: MoonDark Phone #: 9876-543210 Registration Number: C790BCE4 - SNA Unlockers †Commercial software encrypted with SNA Unlockers is downloadable from Software Unboxed , MicroFrontier and Dubl-Click Software , amongst others. There are different cracks because there are different versions of the SNA Unlocker. After applying the crack, you can unlock the software with any number. Version 2.1.0 Open the Unlocker with Resorcerer Open CODE 3 • At offset +1032 Change: BNE.S 6616 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) • At offset +103C Change: BNE.S 6606 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) Version 2.1.7 Open the Unlocker with Resorcerer Open CODE 3 • At offset +0DA0 Change: BNE.S 6616 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) • At offset +0DAA Change: BNE.S 6606 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) Version 2.1.9 Open the Unlocker with Resorcerer Open CODE 3 • At offset +0D9A Change: BNE.S 6616 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) • At offset +0DA4 Change: BNE.S 6606 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) Versions 3.0.8 to 3.1.4 Open the Unlocker with Resorcerer Open CODE 3 • At offset +0F0A Change: BNE.S 6616 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) • At offset +0F14 Change: BNE.S 6606 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) Versions 3.1.5b4 Open the Unlocker with Resorcerer Open CODE 3 • At offset +11AE Change: BNE.S 6616 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) • At offset +11B8 Change: BNE.S 6606 To: NOP 4E71 (w/Resorcerer Patch Menu) - Snak v1.x name: grandtheft@earthlink.net code: 1AA53F1418FB55EO - SnapMail v2.0 ' -8E6C6183 10' - Snapz v1.0.1 Pro Name: SPC Copies: 666 Code: OFEBCPBP v1.0 code: JOFMPCJF copies:100 name: Buck Rogers code: PEFKJEPL copies:10 name: 'Anonymous' v1.0 Pro name: HackUser copies:100 code: OBAJGLBI name: HackUser copies:100 code: KJCNMIGG - Snatcher v1.0 104321 - SndCataloguer v2.x.x 842033036442 '' - SndConverter Pro/Lite v2.x.x/1.x.x name: Buck Rogers code: 400011212117 name: '' code: 418019193647 '' - SndPlayer v2.x.x code: 825020555544 name: Buck Rogers code: 472024575144 name: '' - SneakInCD v1.0.0 2352941 - Snitch v2.5 Name: FC Company: 0023 †To personalize Snitch 2.5.1 do this: 1. Open the Snitch 2.5.1 CDEV 2. Hold down the Control and Option keys and click the “Register” button. At this point you will be presented with a "Personalize" Dialog Box. 3. In this "personalize" screen type “FC” in the Name field, and “0023” in the Company field, then click the “OK” button. You are now a registered user. older versions: Snitch can be registered by shift-option-clicking the "Register" button within the •Control Panel• (**not** on the "About..." window). This "Shift-Option" click trick seems to work for all versions of Snitch 2.5b (b8, b9, b10, b11). Might even work on the 2.5 release when it is available (?) You can also enter any name and company in the registration dialog box after using this "Shift-Option-click" technique. or Hold down Command, Option and Shift together while clicking on the register button, and then enter name and company at the next dialog box. - Snoop v1.3 Name: HackUser Organization: HackUser Serial #: D2BW-92VC-Cy3f-fUJc-bZiR-KjCM - Snoopy's Yearn to Read v 304E1342E - SoftAT v2.5 2ld0j1j1ssl7 wvu1e0335rv1 - SoftBTX v1.1 12518 - SoftNode v passw : 3ubgr065j1w1 code : ikkt51borw1 serial: ND-39003394/001 - SoftPC 3.0 code : 751n51kd6c74 serial: UN-13042600/001 passw : v5vm51q8tud8 - SoftPC Pro v3.1 S/N: PR-24004178/OO1 Password: rtu0j1m3tgt3 S/N: PR-24002279/001 Password: 2encc1(L)d6jt3 (L) lowercase L S/N: WD-64000911/001 Password: 17rn004urp00 - SoftPC w/Windows v3.1 code : barb70t35710 serial: WD-64000911/001 passw : 17rn004urp00 - SOFTracker v3.0.2 Bill Gates Development Inc. BRAGYXBS - SOFTracker Layouts & Scripts v3.0.2 thyr@ - SoftRouter (see --> Vicom Softrouter) - SoftwareFPU v3.0.2 SFPU-302-XXXXXXX †'XXXXXXX' can be any number you like and the 302 part is obviously the version number, so for any future versions, just place the appropriate number there. - SoftWindows v98 3200-0012-5172-5661 v5.0 3000-0006-0982-2043 3001-0005-9813-1197 v5.0J 3003-5000-0000-0750 v4.0 2900-0501-2220-2068 2900-0501-2075-0613 v95 2700-0531-2124-1150 2700-5134-8091-7307 v3.0 2600-0000-0000-0121 2600-0535-4377-1264 v3.0J 2600-5130-1550-6400 v2.0 2500-6666-2112-1492 2500-0004-1485-1139 2000-0100-5122-0594 v1.0.2 2100-0201-9529-7269 2000-0100-2083-9122 2000-0100-5122-0594 2000-0100-7448-0102 2000-0100-5421-1836 2000-0208-0042-5185 2003-0200-4505-4825 (Ten User License) - SOHOMaster v2.0 Serial Number: SM03336972 Management Password: Athena User Password: User v• SM01464972 Password: Athena - Son of Buster System Unlock Key v7.5.3s6c3 fb1dc44cT83823ef9 v7.5.3r3s1c3 58213f7eS87f97abe - Sonar Bookends v4.0 B6594 - Songworks (Ars Nova) SN# 175110446 - Sonix Works Artist v1.0 jdpVZ-ÖqÜcn-aBÖ_fScDa - Sony Hybrid CD-ROM v1.2 HYB2-120-0-553B2B16 - Sorenson v1.0 SDM-000-0000-1214 - Souls in the System v1.0.1 1100SSM101300-R1 4886SSM100186-R1 - Sound Converter Pro v2.3 Name: Anonymous SN: 153016413130 vPro Name: MMC Mekka Serial: 735018684047 v2.2 065016413435 'Anonymous' v2.0 Name:ANONYMOUS Code:278018974253 v2.x.x/1.x.x Name: Buck Rogers SN: 400011212117 Name: SN: 418019193647 - Sound Icon Maker v1.01 name: MoonDark code: ugfddqfu - Sound Sculptor II v Enter the following in the EXACT case in the registration: SPC 123 Main Street Anytown, DC 12345 USA SPCKRACK0000006A00 (those are zero's). - SoundCataloguer v 2.x.x Name: MMC Mekka SN: 189036167353 Name: SN: 842033036442 v2.0 name: Buck Rogers code: 461036995860 - SoundEdit 16 (see --> Macromedia) - SoundMachine v2.6 †Hold down these keys -> Command-Shift-Option Choose REGISTER from the Apple Menu This brings you to the reg dialog instead of reg information, simply type name and company, and that's it. not S/N needed at all. - SoundMaker v1.0.2 123456784900 123456703188 v1.0.1 401394394108 - SoundPlayer v2.x.x Name: MMC Mekka SN: 222029293543 Name: Buck Rogers SN: 825020555544 Name: SN: 472024575144 v2.0 Name:Anonymous Code:592028165752 - Sounds4Fun v1.0 User Name: MoonDark Personal Code: 69750 v1.0b4 Name: MoonDark Registration Code: 78809 - SoundStudio Lite v2.0 AES PW 73837 - Space Junkie v1.2 Code I: Buck Rogers Code II: 7XY8U43N4Y8C6Q4G9JN7G4 - Space Quest II v 112929060100656 112930000000000 - Spaceward Ho! v4.0.5 [MacAddict] First Name: MacAddict Last Name. Hacker SN: FTFR-FBNN-F9LQ-NNTU - Spades Deluxe v1.0 599545555 - Spam Blaster v First Name: Moon Last Name: Dark Unlock Code: WFUV5FZ8SAW94R2698M - Spanish Assistant v1.0 M1102424 M1104116 - Spectre Supreme v2.0 LV82VNN LV83ABG LV83WWA LV842Z9 LV848PT LV84CEV LV86WW4 LV875LE LV87J98 LV886U2 LV88AWZ LV88GMK LV88LCM LV8B6TU LV8BDJ6 LV8BS6Y LV8CERS LV8CJUR LV8CQKB LV8CUAD - Spectre VR v1.0.5 MB7565LD - Specular 3D Web Workshop v1.0 Consists of two programs: LogoMotion: 94-9369-5689 TextureScape:07-5626-5173 - Specular BackBurner v2.6 02-1606-3424 22-9093-6674 50-014-3189-0336-0187 (50 user) v1.1.1 03-1420-1721 03-1420-5036 03-1422-1672 03-1422-2788 - Specular Collage vAll 06-3977-8068 06-1748-1438 v2.0.1J 06-5283-5247 06-5183-2114 - Specular Infini-D v4.5 01-1951-1110 v4.0.1 Updater 91-9352-4752 v4.0 Name: Kevin Organisation: Infini-D SN: 91-9352-4752 v3.5.1 91-9396-9653 v3.5 01-1419-2739 v3.1 01-1419-2739 01-5029-7811 - Specular LogoMotion v2.1 004-6100-0433-0104 v2.0.2J 004-8191-0321-0382 v2.0 04-5320-2590 v1.5 04-2742-8360 v1.0 94-9369-5689 (3D Web) - Specular TextureScape v2.0 07-5626-5173 07-3314-680 v1.5.1J 07-3010-9920 27-9003-6624 27-9082-9628 v1.5 27-9003-6624 27-9082-9628 v1.0 27-9003-6624 - Speech Typer v1.0.1 Name: SPC Cust #: 666 Password: D-5318-222 - Speech Writer v1.0.0 Name: MoonDark Customer Number: 12345 Password: MBIH-118535-2057 - Speed Demon v Name: Akuma Code: 36784 - Speed Doubler v2.0.3 08968034872 - Speedbeep v2.0.6 PRETZEL †To register Speed Beep, Cmd-Opt-Shf-Click on Title and "RoNertL" - SpeedShare v1.1.2 3593-0946-4121-SSP v1.1 3593-0946-4121-SSP v 1.x.x Seed: 12345 SN: 856232212345 - SpeedyCD v1.2.4 02F614C99EB36FD8 - SpeedyFinder7 v1.5.9i †To register SpeedyFinder7 and enable the Copying Options open the control panel and click on the Australia-Icon located in the lower-right corner. Type the number 12398745 (there is no echo on the screen, so be sure to type it right) and press and hold down the command-option-shift key combination. A Register button should appear as long as you hold down the keys (if not, you mistyped the number, simply try again). Click on the register button and a registration dialog appears. Enter a name & company of your choice and as a license number enter 1234567896. - Spell Catcher v• SC1-010-312-492-110 v1.6 SC1-010-025-255-645 v1.5.8 SC144444SPC4506 v1.5.6 SC100000SPC6488 SC111111SPC8134 SC122222SPC0238 SC133333SPC2758 SC144444SPC4506 SC155555SPC0738 SC144444SPC4506 SC100000SPC6488 - Spelling Coach Pro v4.1 427137 - SpellRight v1.0 Name: MoonDark Code: 3554481 - Spellswell 7 v1.0.5 HK11-8021-1A - SpellTools v1.x.x 33A103315Q 68A833315Q 32A673024Q 46A223375Q 48A783232Q v1.3.2 Registration Code: 12A453789Q - Spheres v1.0 name: Buck Rogers code: 391391 - Spin Doctor v1.0 703-221-0616 - Spiral v 000000 (six zeros) - Spiral Graphics v1.1.1 Name: Registered Reg: HZ-56047 Name: 'Anonymous' Reg: HZ-07976 - Splash! v1.0 †To register just hold down the "option-Shift" keys while going to the About This from the Apple Menu. - Spotlight v 1315110350 445499048 1475581249 384468422 343623364 vDR2 222904212 v1.0.x 207304380 240740243 - Spreadbase v1.01 OSI-1-F-002-00105-100 (That’s osi at start) - Spreadsheet 2000 v2.0.2 KS1-010-069-354-981 vAll S22-010-010-708-836 S22-010-032-713-261 - SPSS v 510456 11044001 - SPSS Base v6.1 12345 30650 96234 33556 18631 07809 9930 - Square One v4.0 First Name: Moon Last Name: Dark Code: 6N45VN9F2L6FDZYFFHQ First Name: Akuma Initial: L Last Name: ikes to [k] Code: 1HNVZWVUSD$4SWF214G8Z v3.0 SQ3-00921-5991 - Squizz v3.0 SMD104300099 SMD110300102 v1.0f 801652 801538 - Star Fighters v1.4.1 46875912379 - Starcraft v1.0 Full SN 4F-FVDH-X9XR-YTQ2 Net SN Y7-7N2Z-R9QK-RMJW v• 1234567890123456 - Stardate v1.0 ESM-10379-8830 - StarDrive v3.2 319-1965-300 421-1310-300 375-1492-300 644-7143-300 545-5432-300 685-9578-300 045-1857-300 957-1576-300 486-1145-300 048-1575-300 295-1585-300 485-8574-300 247-0428-300 775-5444-300 - Starry Night v1.0.3J JS15563-13612809 v1.0.2 SP15590-13611170 - Starry Night Basic v2.1.3 LX12345-95225 LX23456-83450 LX34567-33788 LX45678-69184 LX56789-43767 - Starry Night Deluxe v2.1.3 AX12345-80738 AX23456-12447 AX34567-34154 AX45678-55861 AX56789-77568 AX67890-21076 - StartFaxing v BB138150 - StartThing v1.0 264859801 - Startup Doubler v1.2.1 name: KK code: JPSB v1.0 name: HackUser code: FABA v1.0pb2 name: MoonDark code: DDMY - StartupQuote v1.0 Unlock Code: IPAID - StarWriter v2.0 1051810 - Stat! Ref Medical CD Code: 98936 Key : 8DC9C873A08A8F55 - StatusMac vAll code: SMR25168 (25 Users) - Step On It! vAll ST1-234-567-890-030 ST1-000-666-005-410 ST1-031-337-003-649 - Stereogram Studio name: The Dead Guy code: 1007594498 - Stomp Box Delay v1.1.0 Name: MoonDark Code: 12345-N - Stop Waiting v1.0 Name: Akuma Copies: 666 Code: LRQSMHWMMW - Storeys 3D v1.1.1 Reg: pf10-200417776031841 Email: Shadowgeist@PGP.Inc Name: Shadowgeist Org: PGP Inc. v1.0.1 Code: 1pf-1223840316 Email: moondark@nop.com - Story Maker v1.0 DVXCCJLsLs00934EpA4Azz70821 - Strata Instant Replay v1.0 I286243253831 - Strata MediaPaint v1.0 M12309000011 - Strata Studio Pro v2.5.1 S196247959301 C466241527321 A156241377081 C466248403601 S946244104641 v2.5 C466248403601 C466241527321 v2.1J A196247959301 v2.0.2J C466248403601 C466241527321 v2.0 C466241527321 C466248403601 C156241377081 v2.0J CD16249500111 v1.7.5 A466248403601 v1.75 J A196247959301 S596244660571 v1.5.1J A306246832891 A496246882901 (Other Versions) A156241377081 A466241527321 - Strata Type 3D v2.5 TD16241559751 TD16241401621 v• ST102704 - Strata VideoShop v4.0 QD16241490111 QD16245432431 - Strata Virtual 3D v3.0 V826243977191 - Strata Vision 3D v5.0 A156241377081 v5.0J AD16242220001 v4.0 D256246636041 DD16244883471 v4.0J D166246768941 - Strategic Conquest v4.0 [MacAddict] First Name: MacAddict Last Name: Hacker Code: FTFR-FBNN-F9LQ-NNVU - Street Atlas v4.0 84100 v• 63046 - Studio 1 v 4682119240 - Studio 8 v2.0 9248372456 - Studio32 v1.2 3006127841 v 3006003068 - StuntCopter vAll MUHAHA - StyleScript v3.8 SS563-125-872-8470 v3.7 SS5631258728470 SS140-749-927-92303 v3.5 SS7800172320495 v3.0 HP SS7800172320495 v3.0 SS7800172320495 - Suitcase v3.0J STMS3004X305470713JP - Sundial v2.0.2 SBTB-TJGB-BNBK v1.0.4 SUND-100-01097088 - Super 7 Utilities v2.0 129300096 - Super Laser Spool vAll 042401 - Super Mac Freecell v1.5 name: MoonDark code: 9991499111 - Super Maze Wars v 847-123-2576 v1.0 675-289-7102 703-652-7369 - Super Office v2.5 Release 102600776 102600768 Upgrade 1026001535 1026001527 1026001451 - Super Othello v2.3.2 Name: Akuma Code: 116270 - Super POP v1.9.5 Name: MMC EMail: mmc.mekka@usa.net SN: 616usa214-9952-009 - Super Save v2.0.1 Name: MoonDark Customer Number: 9999 Password: 840333-156 - SuperBridge v4.0.3 S370302000 v4.0.2 S370302000 v2.0 S370302000 TextBridge 2.0.2 PN#31-07995-00, SN#9404TM01068 - SuperCache v2.9.2 72507 4712 - SuperCard v3.0 US-SC-3000-200052222 - SuperDuper v2.0 name: Buck Rogers code: 1309770 - SuperPaint v3.5J 30-35J6-000832445 30-35J7-000907425 - SuperReplace v1.2 Name: MoonDark Code: 877530-24248745 - SuperSpot vAll 062994 - Surf Express v1.1 965209 - SurfScout v SN: S-202176-CGDKCSA 00000000X-724190288-ABCDEFG - SurfWatch v1.2 1SW52216449 - SwitchBack v2.5.1 N:Buck Rogers S:66418 - SwitchRes v † Press the 'ESC' key while clicking on the SwitchRes icon in the Control Strip. or Hold down the escape key while clicking on the icon in the upper left hand corner of the about box... - Swoop v1.0.x Name: HackUser Copies: 100 Code: LABGEBGD v1.0.2 Name: HackUser Copies: 100 Code: FLDKMGCJ Name: Buck Rogers Copies: 100 Code: JKAMGEKF v1.0 Code: PAAKAOPL Copies: 10 Name: 'Anonymous' Code: GLFIKLEI Copies: 1 Name: ' Hector ' - SXetch Pad v1.1.3 PPC SN: 9143-02C4-1001-4501 - Symmantec Caffeine v1.0 †The password you will require to install Caffeine is "say moof and enter". (this is real, not a joke) - Synchronize! Pro v3.6.4 49301111 v3.5.3 Name: MoonDark Registration Code: 18225678 v3.4.2 49301111 24102222 - System 7 Pack v3.7 †•• Crack •• Change 4DPX - 15001 at Offset $23FC from $4EBA 096A to $4E71 4E71 to remove the About-Box at startup. v3.5 summer -